The Legacy 12 Spiritual Laws of Sacred Relationship

Law 1 Commitment: Marriage is a spiritual journey in a physical life. Yours is unique, yours is a dream of love from childhood. It is your vision, not to be compared with anyone else’s. Dreams overshadow any expectation of “others” they are for you, how you will be, your vision of you in relationship, nothing to do with your partner.

Law 2 Sharing: A spiritual relationship requires regular, committed time and intimate sharing between partners. Listening. If you don’t take the time to connect, you will disconnect and drama [fear, loss of the experience of love] will occur to wake you up if you are paying attention. Drama is only a cry for love, a messenger.

Law 3 Growth: Your differences are AS important AS your similarities. You are strongest where are you are different. Embrace where you and your partner are different.

Law 4 Communication: Honest, non-blaming communication. If you blame your partner, you are blaming yourself for not being your “dream of you” in all circumstances.

Law 5 Mirroring: Ultimately, peace with our partner is peace with our self. Once we arrive here we can powerfully choose “what is” instead of what our ego/personality wants to change, control, or fix. The mirror is how we see life (our partner, ourselves, the world) through our eyes and our experience. Clarity and appreciation is a much better view. Arrogance and assuming “we know” how things should be will cause drama (disconnection) only 100% of the time in sacred partnerships. (note: all partnerships are sacred)

Law 6 Radical Responsibility: When we become radically responsible for who we are being, how we are perceived [this does not mean changing others, but just accepting how we are seen without fixing], we can then become accountable for the results we choose to experience in our life. This profound freedom allows us to experience God, universe, humanity and life how it really is one moment at a time.

Law 7 Forgiveness: When you can powerfully forgive yourself, you are free. You are human this time around. You will make mistakes. Learn to love the errors and the past for what it brings you now, not then. Your beautiful present moment is now to be who you are, fully in this moment. From this place of forgiveness you can relate to your partner and only from this place can you choose what you will create and have in your life next. A lack of forgiveness in self will have you be needy of your partner and the world to be different. Life becomes a struggle, vision gets clouded and you forget who you are, only love.

Law 8 Allowance: Abundance is a state of mind. Abundance is where Miracles are realized. To live your life in abundance is to “Allow” the dark and the light of all things, all circumstances and embrace what is and navigate with your heart. You will choose alignment, atonement from a place of acceptance, allowance, and appreciation.

Law 9 Only Agreement: The only agreement is the “Real” one. It is the agreement that sources from love and causes the experience of love in you. All other experiences are a diversion from the real one. Hot Tip: Be careful of agreements in relationship with another. They can be traps if not sourced from freedom and creative expression. Your preferences are not an agreement. Preferences are just a THOUGHT away from freedom. Hot Tip: CIM: “A Miracle is a correction in thought”.

Law 10 Trust: Trust your life period. It knows where it is going. Trusting others has you be dependent on circumstances outside of your experience and power. Trust you to know the truth of things the way they are. Trust God, Universe, Life, Love.

Law 11 The Love: Once we measure what Love is, we lose the experience of love. We cannot possibly know what Love is any more than we can know how we will turn out in this lifetime, what we are truly capable of other than in this moment’s expression. You are full of possibility and a playground of personal power. The greatest power you have is to choose to see, be, feel, hear and do only love in every moment. By taking this on, you will have no time for drama, failure or opinion. You will be in the experience of the mastery of love and that is your life purpose, your marriage, your family, your career, your fulltime job is you experiencing Love.

Law 12 Marriage: (Your Homework) Marriage is an agreement between two people and God in front of community and in service to Love. This agreement is your creation. Each couple has a unique one. What will your marriage be about? Your homework here is to spend time revisiting the other 11 agreements and come to a clear understanding of how you will implement them into your life together. After you have completed this and only after, you will re-write your personal promise to your marriage. Your marriage is a sacred contract with God. Your soul mate/partner is not here to make your life better. He/She is here to make you better. Marriage can change form. It can be that you stay together until “death due us part” it can be that you transition as friends and co-creators for a time. It does not matter, what matters is that it is your journey, the way you want it. Best laid plans fail but not planning is a commitment to “not commit”. Take the time and energy to write a new marriage. One of miracles and purpose and please, when it is complete send me your homework.

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